What does it mean to you to pitch Game 1 for two years in a row? 問:對你而言,連續2年擔任季後賽首戰先發的意義為何?
CHIEN-MING WANG: For me, very excited, very happy and try to win the game. 王:對我來說,非常興奮、非常開心,也很想盡力贏得比賽。
You haven't pitched against the Indians since last year. Do you think that is an advantage for you or an advantage for the Indians? 問:自去年以來你就未碰過印地安人,你認為這對你或對印地安人是優勢?
CHIEN-MING WANG: Very good for me because I can do a scout report a lot. The guy hitting. 王:對我來說是很棒的優勢,因為我可以看大量的球探報告。
Do you think you're a different pitcher than the last time you faced them?問:你認為你跟去年面對印地安人時的王建民,是不一樣的投手嗎?
CHIEN-MING WANG: No. I use more change of speed, changeup, maybe different. 王:不,但我現在會用比較多變速球,可能算是改變吧。
Do you consider yourself an ace pitcher when you look at yourself, do you see yourself as -- ?問:你認為自己是隊上王牌投手嗎?還是你是如何看待自己的呢?
CHIEN-MING WANG: No. For me, everybody is the same. A lot of good pitchers on the Yankees team. 王:不,對我而言每個人都一樣,洋基陣中有很多很棒的投手。
I know this is the second time you were going to pitch in a -- playoff do you feel nervous or you are totally fine? 問:我知道這次是你第2度在季後賽首戰投球,你會緊張嗎?還是你感覺很好?
CHIEN-MING WANG: I'm fine. The same. The same as season, yeah. 王:我很好,嗯,就跟季賽一樣。
You always seem very calm. Do you think that helps you in a playoff game to not be so excited or nervous? 問:你看起來總是很冷靜,你認為這對你在季後賽不要太興奮或太緊張有幫助嗎?
CHIEN-MING WANG: One more time. 王:再一次。
You seem very calm all the time. Do you think that helps you in the playoffs to not get nervous or not as excited? (媒體重覆問題)
CHIEN-MING WANG: I think it helps me a lot. Don't get nervous. Just pitching the same in postseason. 幫助很大,不要緊張,在季後賽還是一樣投球。
Do you have anybody coming from Taiwan to see the game, or will they be watching on TV? 問:有人會從台灣來看你比賽嗎?
CHIEN-MING WANG: Some friends are coming here.王:有,有一些朋友會來。
Any family members coming? 問:家人會來嗎?
CHIEN-MING WANG: Yeah (laughter). My mom, my dad. 王:會(笑),我爸媽會來。
Last year you said you were more nervous during the press conference than you would be during Game 1. Is that the same situation right now? 問:你去年說在記者會上比在場上還緊張,今年還是一樣嗎?
CHIEN-MING WANG: Same (laughter).王:一樣(笑)。
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