Chien-Ming Wang, Yankees Starter
KC Armstrong/SI
As told to Rebecca Sun, who translated from Mandarin
On the development of his signature sinker
I'd never thrown a two-seam sinker until two years ago in the minors, when the pitching coaches told me to try it. Before, I used four-seam fastballs and sliders.
On his celebrity status in his native Taiwan
I wasn't prepared for it. Since [my rookie season] last year, when I go back I have to meet with a lot of people, like government officials. It has become inconvenient to go out to eat. People at other tables will point and go, "That's Wang Chien-Ming." They'll come over and ask for an autograph.
On getting started in baseball
At elementary school [in Tainan] my classmates and I played basketball. One day a coach came up and asked if I wanted to play baseball. I told him I had to go home and ask my mom.
On his original career plans
I planned on doing my mandatory military service after college. Then I was going to see if I could get into the Taiwan pro league. It wasn't until my sophomore year [at the Taipei College of Physical Education] that some major league scouts came to see me. From then on I was in touch with people from American baseball.
On signing with the Yankees and coming to the U.S. in 2000
I was thinking my family was in Taiwan, and America was so far away. I asked my mom and dad what they thought, and they said, "If it's a good team, you should go." So I came to America.
On adjusting to the U.S.
The hardest part was when I got here, I couldn't speak any English. Doing anything was hard. I had an interpreter for a year. Then, in the minor leagues we had caretakers I would go to -- if I got a letter, I asked them to explain it to me. Now I learn English through my teammates and watching movies.
On hanging out in Chinese-American communities
I don't go out much in New York. I just go from home to Yankee Stadium and from the stadium home. On the road it's hard to visit areas with a lot of Chinese-Americans because if I go out, I get recognized.
On his reputation for being quiet
I'm pretty introverted. I like to just sit there listening to everybody else making a racket, laughing and goofing off. I can understand their jokes more now. Once in a while I'll make one back.
On the rookie hazing tradition
They don't have this in Taiwan. Last year we were leaving for an away game, and my suits were missing. There were cheerleading uniforms, you know, for girls. It was embarrassing to go out in a dress.
On the future of Taiwanese players
If I play well here, more teams will go to Taiwan for players. I want to be a role model. When I return to Taiwan, sometimes I coach kids. Even better players will emerge from the next generation.
WANG, 26, WENT 19-6 with a 3.63 era this year. He was to pitch Game 1 against the tigers on Tuesday.
Issue date: October 9, 2006
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